lunedì 12 dicembre 2011

Christmas is coming

Quest'anno abbiamo fatto l'albero, per la prima volta.
Prima che nascesse il nano non ne avevamo mai sentito l'esigenza, e l'anno scorso in questo periodo eravamo alle prese con un trasloco, altroché albero. E siccome è la prima volta e siamo ancora un po' a corto di addobbi, ho deciso di fare da me.

Questa è la prima pallina, se così si può dire. Il tutorial l'ho trovato qui:

This year we have put up a Christmas tree for the very first time. When we were just the two of us we never really felt the need for it. This year, it just felt right. The only problem is, we were a bit short of decorations. That's why I've decided to make some.
This is the very first decoration. Here's a link to the original tutorial:

this place is for me

This place is for me, to record the small things.
The small crafty things I manage to slip between a day's work and the laundry. Because it's easy to feel that you never have time to accomplish anything, that there's always too much left on the "to do list".
The small precious moments with the big boy and the small one. Before they're forgotten, lost in the chaos of daily life.
This place is for me, to stop for a moment and realize how lucky and happy I actually am.